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The reformulation of the education system through the Bologna agreement, creates the opportunity to tune and exchange all different partner’s experiences and use this intensive program to implement new methodological processes based in active learning from the students instead of knowledge transmission by the teaching staff. By building a trusty and accountable program to be fulfilled by all institutions may create possibilities for joint study programs and course fine tuning within Bologna framework.

The Management of agroforestry systems: ecological, social and economic approaches Intensive Programme will adopt both traditional and modern pedagogical methodologies: workshops, practical work, group discussion, case studies and study visits, complemented by information and communication technological resources.

Methodologies and resources that we intend to perform are as follow:
Theoretical classes – Daily sessions of 2 hours adopting an expositive methodology supported by audiovisual resources and for some modules specific software;

Practical classes – Daily sessions of 2.5 hours adopting interactive discussion supported by audiovisual and computer resources, and/or adopting specific software.

Following we describe the IP work plan and the teacher staff assigned:

Module 1 – General aspect of Silvopastoral systems
Teacher: Marina Castro PhD., I.P.Bragança, Portugal
Topics: Definitions and components of agroforestry practices in Europe.
Silvopastoral Systems of Europe. Ecological Interaction between components.

Module 2 – Silvopastoral systems of Portugal: Components, roles and running.
Teacher: Marina Castro PhD., I.P. Bragança and Esther Fernández Núñez Centro de Investigação de Montanha-CIMO Portugal.
Topics: Role of management of different components productivity.

Module 3- Landscape management: Policy conflicts between Silvopastoral systems and biodiversity.
Teacher: Filipa Conceição Silva Torres Manso, PhD., UTAD, Portugal.
Topics: Grazing in forestry: tree mortality or widfires prevention? Silvopastoral systems and biodiversity: Different outlooks; Public participation in policy decision.

Module 4 – Agroforestry systems in Europe.
Teacher: María Rosa Mosquera Losada, PhD., Escuela Politécnica Superior Lugo, USC, Spain.
Topics: Agroforestry practice: productive and environmental benefits.

Module 5 – The role of silvopastoral management on fire prevention.
Teacher: Antonio Rigueiro Rodríguez, PhD., Escuela Politécnica Superior Lugo, USC, Spain
Topics: Grazing, shrub, livestock.

Module 6- Vegetation quality in silvopastoral systems
Teacher: Pilar Gonzalez Hernandez, PhD., Escuela Politécnica Superior Lugo, USC, Spain.
Topics: nutritional attributes, tannins, crude protein, digestibility, fiber content.

Module 7- Functioning and persistence of Dehesas
Teacher: Gerardo Moreno Marcos, PhD., Universidad de Extremadura, UNEX, Spain.
Topics: cork oak, oak, scrub.

Module 8- The Dehesa: basis for management production.
Teacher: Lurdes López Díaz, PhD., Universidad de Extremadura, UNEX, Spain.
Topics: pasture production, acorns, browse, forage crops, silvicultural techniques.

Module 9 – Silvicultural techniques.
Teacher: Pedro Álvarez Álvarez, PhD., Escuela Politécnica de Mieres, UNIOVI, Spain.
Topics: Ground vegetation as an indicator of site quality and effect of non-site factors on the productivity

Module 10- Pasture production and tree growth in silvopastoral systems established with different tree species.
Teacher: Nuria Ferreiro Dominguez, PhD., Escuela Politécnica Superior Lugo, USC, Spain.
Topics: agroforestry systems, soil acidity, fertilisation, liming, sewage sludge.

Module 11- Mitigation of greenhouse gass emissions by silvopastoral systems.
Teacher: Esther Fernández Núñez, PhD., Centro de Investigação de Montanha-CIMO, Portugal.
Topics: Evaluate the amount of carbon sequestration in silvopastoral systems following the Guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Module 12- Productive value of silvopastoral systems.
Teacher: Esther Fernández Núñez, PhD, CIMO, Portugal and Nuria Ferreiro Dominguez, PhD, Escuela Politécnica Superior Lugo-USC, Spain.
Topics: Economic concepts to quantify the economic productivity of silvopastoral systems compared to an exclusively agricultural and forest systems.

Module 13- Dynamic Modeling I.
Teacher: João Carlos Martins Azevedo, PhD., I.P. Bragança, Portugal.
Topics: Introduction to modeling and simulation.

Module 14- Dynamic Modeling II.
Teacher: João Carlos Martins Azevedo, PhD., I.P. Bragança, Portugal.
Topics: Modeling and simulation in agroforestry systems with STELLA.

Module 15- Dynamics of the land use and cover in the Northeast of Portugal for a multi-year period.
Teacher: João Paulo Miranda de Castro, PhD., I.P. Bragança, Portugal
Topics: Time series analysis (TSA) of remote sensing images (RS) and conventional aerial photography and modern digital orthophotography and other sources of information, using photogrammetric techniques, Digital Image Processing (DIP), integration with Geographic information system (GIS), and with Geostatistics, in order to interpolate interpret and map the geospatial information for natural phenomena.

Module 16- Recreational use of silvopastoral landscapes.
Teacher: José Manuel Correia Santos Ferreira de Castro, PhD., I.P. Bragança, Portugal.
Topics: Silvopastoral landscapes for nature tourism and forest recreation. Silvopastoral and recreational functions in the portuguese forest managment plans. European trends and best practices of rural tourisme connected with silvopastoral activities; social constraints and economical opportunities.

Module 17- Evaluation of the epidemiological evolution of pests and diseases of chestnut in regional Protected Designation of Origin -"DOP da Terra Fria Transmontana" and "DOP da Serra da Padrela"
Teacher: João Paulo Miranda de Castro, PhD., I.P. Bragança, Portugal
Topics: Time series analysis (TSA) of remote sensing images (RS) and conventional aerial photography and modern digital orthophotography and other sources of information, using photogrammetric techniques, Digital Image Processing (DIP), integration with Geographic information system (GIS), and with Geostatistics, in order to interpolate interpret and map the geospatial information for natural phenomena.

Module 18- Fire behavior and prediction tools.
Teacher: Giuseppe Colangelo, PhD., University of Bari-Italy.
Topics: Fire behavior and prediction tools.

Module 19- Fuel modelling and management.
Teacher: Giuseppe Colangelo, University of Bari-Italy.
Topics: Fuel modelling and management.

Module 20- Disturbances on agroforestry resources.
Teacher: Giuseppe Colangelo, University of Bari-Italy.
Topics: Disturbances on agroforestry resources.

Module 21- Ecosystem services framework and economic valuation methods
Teacher: Cristina Maria Marta Rosa Pedroso, PhD., Centro de Investigação de Montanha-CIMO, Portugal.
Topics: Ecosystem Services: linking ecology and individuals; Ecosystem services Assessment: a methodological pathway; Principles of economic valuation methods of ecosystem services; Ecosystem services as a Policy instrument; Case studies presentation. Exercises.

Module 22: Wildfire economic impacts.
Teacher: Paula Sofia Alves do Cabo, PhD., I.P.Bragança, Portugal
Topics: Evaluation of the costs of fire suppression and damages caused by wildfires: damages in wood and other goods and services of the forest; assets losses; damages in the economic activity and effects in human health, among others. Valuation through market prices; hedonistic prices; the cost of the trip; contingent evaluation and transference of benefits methods.
IP Coordinator
Esther Fernández Núñez
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Mountain Research Center (CIMO) - School of Agriculture (ESA)
Campus de Santa Apolónia
5300-253 Bragança - Portugal
Phone: +351 273 303 233
Fax: +351 273 303 382
Key Dates
IP Date:
30/03/2014 to 12/04/2014
Arrival to Bragança:
Departure from Bragança:


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Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 / (+351) 273 331 570 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB