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a) National and IPB classification scale:
The overall classifications of the qualification and of each course unit are expressed through a mark on a numerical integer scale from 0 to 20. In order to "Pass" a course unit the student must obtain a mark not under 10. To complete a qualification, to which it will be assigned an overall classification from 10 to 20, the student is required to pass all compulsory course units of the study plan.

b) ECTS classification scale:
The ECTS classification scale (European scale of comparability of classifications), for graduates and for students that pass course units, is composed by five levels, identified by letters A to E (where A is the highest and E the lowest grade), and aims to simplify the comparison between the classification scale used at national level and those current in other countries and to make more transparent the process of evaluation and the academic recognition of the results obtained. Classifications A, B, C, D and E will be awarded to 10%, 25%, 30%, 25% and 10% of the students, respectively.
The settle of the classifications included by each one the levels of the European scale of comparability of classifications is carried out: (i) for each programme, of each cycle of studies; (ii) for each course unit. The awarding of classifications according to the ECTS is based in the distribution of marks, from 10 to 20, of the graduates (or students that pass a course unit), in the three academic years before the one when the graduate (or student) completed the qualification (or passed the course unit), in such a way that the number of graduates (or students that pass a course unit) in that period is not below 30. When such dimension (thirty) is not reached for that period, it will evolve, at each stage, to: (i) the 4th year before; (ii) the 5th year before. If the referred dimension is still not verified, the following universes will be used:
(i) for programmes, we will consider all graduates from programmes: 1st - with similar goals; 2nd - of the same cycle of studies; 3rd - of the school and IPB, successively, from any cycle of studies;
(ii) for course units, we will consider all students that have passed course units: 1st - with similar outcomes; 2nd - of the same programme, curricular year and semester; 3rd - of the same programme and curricular year; 4th - of programmes with similar goals and of same curricular year and semester; 5th - of programmes with similar goals and of the same curricular year; 6th - of the same programme; 7th - of programmes with similar goals; 8th - of programmes of the same cycle of studies; 9th - of the school and IPB, successively, from any cycle of studies.


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Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB