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The cycle of studies that leads to the master degree (Mestre) has from 90 to 120 credits and a normal length of between three to four curricular semesters of students’ work. Exceptionally and without prejudice to the satisfaction of all the requirements related with the characterization of the aims of the degree and the conditions to obtain it, the cycle of studies that leads to the degree of master in a specialty may have 60 credits and a normal length of two curricular semesters of work following a stable and internationally consolidated practice in that specialty.
The cycle of studies that leads to the master degree is composed of:
a) A specializing course, composed of an organized set of curricular units, named master course, to which corresponds a minimum of 50% of the total number of credits of the cycle of studies;
b) A scientific dissertation or a project work, original and specifically carried out for this purpose, or a professional traineeship which will be concluded with a final report according to the specific objectives aimed at, under the terms that are established by the respective regulating standards and to which corresponds a minimum of 35% of the total number of credits of the cycle of studies. 

Please, note that the first part of each course code number indicates the IPB School where the academic programme is taught:
3041      School of Agriculture (Bragança Campus);
3042      School of Education (Bragança Campus);
3043      School of Technology and Management (Bragança Campus).
3045      School of Public Management, Communication and Tourism (Mirandela Campus);
7015      School of Health (Bragança Campus);
The learning agreement for students in international mobility should include only course units taught in the same campus (Bragança or Mirandela) since these two cities are 60 Km far away from each other.

3043 6395 Accounting and Finance
3041 5078 Agri-Food Technologies
3041 6348 Agroecology
3043 5075 Applied Digitalization
7015 5055 Applied Health Sciences
3043 5076 Applied Management
3043 5045 Biomedical Engineering
3041 5010 Biotechnological Engineering
3043 6362 Chemical Engineering
7015 5066 Community nursing in family health nursing
3043 5024 Construction Engineering
3045 5080 Contracts Legal Studies
3045 5082 Cultural and Creative Industries
3045 5074 Digital Game Design and Development
3042 5079 Digital Technologies in Education and Training
3043 5070 Electrical and Computers Engineering
3043 5054 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
3042 6083 Environmental Education
3041 1076 Environmental Technology
3041 6369 Food Quality and Safety
3043 5060 Informatics
3045 5047 Local Government
3043 1001 Logistics
3043 5009 Management
3041 6363 Management of Forest Resources
7015 5065 Maternal Health Nursing and Obstetric
3043 5071 Mechanical Engineering
7015 5064 Medical-Surgical Nursing caring for the person in critical stage
3041 5012 Natural Products and Bioprospecting
7015 1208 Nursing in Rehabilitation
3042 5072 Pedagogical Supervision and Innovation in Education
3042 6125 Physical Exercise and Health
3042 5050 Pre-school and Primary School Teacher Education
3043 5057 Product and Process Innovation
3043 6793 Renewable Energy and Energetic Efficiency
3042 5017 Social Education – Education and Lifelong Intervention
3042 5073 Special and Inclusive Education
3042 5008 Teaching 1º Cycle of Basic Education and Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in 2º Cycle of Basic Education
3042 5051 Teaching of Musical Education in the Basic School
3042 5044 Teaching of the First Cycle, Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the Second Cycle
3041 5026 Technology and Animal Science
3045 5048 Tourism Marketing
3042 5028 Translation


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Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB