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The Diploma Supplement is appended to the degree diploma and serves different purposes:
  1. It describes the Portuguese higher education system and its framework up to the issuance date of the diploma;
  2. It depicts both the IPB and the school issuing the diploma;
  3. It provides description of the nature, level, degree, admission procedures, length of studies as well as its objectives;
  4. It gives detailed information of the studies pursued and the achieved results.
The Diploma Supplement model complies with the regulations established by the Portuguese Decree Order no 30 issued on January 10 2008 and follows the European Commission’s model, designed by the Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES (http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/ds_en.htm). The purpose of the diploma supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international transparency and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc.). The Diploma Supplement is a bilingual document, written both in Portuguese and English. It is issued automatically by the IPB whenever a degree diploma is issued and free of charge to every student upon graduation.

Diploma supplement examples:
a. 1st cycle - bachelor programmes (Licenciado degree)
b. 2nd cycle - master programmes (Mestre degree) 

Additional information about the student:

In section 6.1 of the Diploma Supplement, activities that are not part of the regular academic record of the student but are meritorious and worthy of record can be described.
To this end:
  1. IPB provides a set of forms in order to certificate the participation in complementary activities;
  2. For each activity in which he/she has participated, the student must download, complete and print the form (Acrobat Reader, or equivalent software, should be used to fill the form, since it is a digital form, in PDF format);
  3. After signed the declaration must be submitted by the student to the Academic Services of the IPB.  

Atividades complementares e formulários
Academic Merit Award
Attainment of academic merit award, in a particular academic year.
Contribute to R&D Activities
Contribution to R&D activities relevant for the Institution, under supervision of a lecturer.
Contribute to Teaching Activities
Contribution to teaching activities, in the context of a course unit.
Organization of Events
Organization of technical-scientific, cultural or sport events.
Curricular Traineeship
Curricular traineeship in an enterprise / institution, in the context of a course unit.
ExtraCurricular Traineeship
ExtraCurricular traineeship in an enterprise / institution.
ExtraCurricular Traineeship
ExtraCurricular traineeship in an enterprise / institution with final mark.
Extracurricular Unit/Project
Extracurricular Unit/Project
Extracurricular Unit/Project w/ Final mark
Extracurricular Unit/Project w/ Final mark
Attainment of Short Courses
Attainment of short courses, intensive programmes or language courses.
Attainment of Short Courses
Attainment of short courses, intensive programmes or language courses with final mark.
Representation of the IPB/School
Representation of the IPB or the School in a particular event.
Membership of IPB Bodies
Member of the IPB General Council or the IPB Statutory Assembly.
Membership of School Bodies
Member of the School Directive Council, the School Pedagogic Council, the Programme Steering Committee or the School Representatives Assembly.
Membership of Student Bodies
Member of the Students Association of IPB, the School Students Association, the Programme Students Association Board, the Association of African Students in Bragança, the Association of Support to the International Student or the Association of Former Students of IPB.
Membership of Groups/Teams
Member of the Students Musical Group in Bragança, the Mixed Students Musical Group in Bragança - RaussTuna, the Feminine Students Musical Group in Bragança - Tôna Tuna, the Singing Group of IPB, the IPB Academic Band - Academia de Sons, the Students Musical Group - In Vinus Tuna, the Students Musical Group - TunaMira, the Bragança Student Theatre, the Football Team, the Masculine Futsal Team, the Feminine Futsal Team, the Athleticism Team, the Basketball Team or the Rugby Team.


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Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB