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Journalism and Communication

Qualification awarded (in original language)
"Licenciatura em Jornalismo e Comunicação". Title of "Licenciado".

Level of qualification
1st Cycle of Studies. EQF level 6. ISCED 2011 level 6.

Admission requirements
Students may apply to the 1st cycle of studies through the general regime, through special conditions, and through special competitions, as stated in the descriptions Higher Education System of the Portuguese provided by NARIC (http://www.dges.mctes.pt/DGES/pt/Reconhecimento/NARICENIC/) and presented in section 8 of the Diploma Supplement. Students can apply through the National Access Competition if they have a minimum Application Score of 100 points (on a scale of 0 to 200) and achieve a minimum score of 95 points (on a scale of 0 to 200) in one of the following sets of Entrance Exams: (18 Portuguese and 06 Philosophy) or (18 Portuguese and 11 History) or (18 Portuguese and 04 Economics) or (06 Philosophy and 11 History) or (06 Philosophy and 04 Economics) or (11 History and 04 Economics).

Recognition of prior learning
Following the implementation of the Bologna Process and the consequent legislation regarding the mobility of students among degrees and higher education institutions, prior learning must be recognized and credited. The prior learning concept comprises all the previous learning/training undertaken in other higher education study cycles in national or international institutions (crediting of certified training), as well as previous professional experience and any post-secondary school training or education. As such, the IPB promotes the crediting of the student’s prior learning when arriving at the institution.
Aiming at a quick and full integration of the student in his/her new education programme, the recognition procedures must be submitted when enrolling at the IPB.
For more information about the IPB accreditation process (times, procedures and criteria for the accreditation processes), consult the IPB Candidate Portal, at https://ipb.pt/pt/estudar/candidaturas, or the IPB Academic Services website, at https://ipb.pt/pt/estudar/estudantes/servicos-academicos.

Qualification requirements and regulations
6 curricular semesters (3 years). 20 weeks of full-time study per semester (40 per year). 40 total hours per week. 810 total hours per semester (1,620 per year). 180 ECTS credits (30 per semester), each credit corresponding to 27 hours. Includes an 18 credit Internship/Project.

Profile of the programme
The study program profile includes the development of technical-scientific knowledge and professional expertise in the fields of Information and Journalism, Information and Journalism/ Audiovisual and Media Production, Audiovisual and Media Production, Social Sciences, Law, Native Language and Literature, all from IPB. Information and Journalism (320 CNAEF); Audiovisual and Media Production (213 CNAEF).

Key learning outcomes
The degree of Bachelor in Journalism and Communication is awarded to students who demonstrate the ability to:

a) Understand the main theories of communication and the historical perspectives of the media;
b) Comprehend the importance of semiotics and its application in verbal and non-verbal communication;
c) Distinguish different journalistic genres and the interactions established between the media and society;
d) Recognize the cultural and social transformations brought about by the digitalization of the media;
e) Possess knowledge of political science and economics, enabling them to work with these topics from an informative perspective;
f) Communicate effectively and conduct in-depth investigations on topics of journalistic value;
g) Demonstrate skills in multimedia content production and editing, as well as critical analysis of media content;
h) Understand the ethical and deontological principles governing journalistic and communication practices;
i) Solve problems and adapt to emerging technologies.

To complete the qualification, the student will have to pass all mandatory curricular units in the study plan.

Occupational profiles of graduates
The degree of "licenciado" (bachelor) in Journalism and Communication falls within the fields of Information and Journalism and Audiovisual and Media Production. Graduates are qualified to pursue professional activities within the scope of the study program profile.

Access to further studies
The degree of "licenciado" allows one to proceed to post-graduate studies, according to the diagram of the Portuguese Higher Education System provided by NARIC (http://www.dges.mctes.pt/DGES/pt/Reconhecimento/NARICENIC/) and presented in section 8 of the Diploma Supplement.

Graduation requirements

Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Examination and assessment are regulated by the IPB general regulation, available in https://ipb.pt/pt/estudar/estudantes/servicos-academicos, and by the School pedagogical regulation, available in www.esact.ipb.pt.
Consult this Guide under the option “The ECTS at the IPB” for information on the grading and qualification system.

Mode of study

Programme director

Scientific areas of the study plan
Scientific AreaAcronymECTS Credits
All of IPBAIPB6.00.0
Audiovisuals and Media ProductionAMP36.00.0
Information and JournalismIJ66.00.0
Information and Journalism/Audiovisuals and Media ProductionIJ/AMP48.00.0
Mother Language and LiteratureMLL6.00.0
Social SciencesSC12.00.0

Course structure
YearSemTypeCodeCourse UnitScientific
11 Semestral 
Media HistoryIJ6.0
11 Semestral 
Laboratory IIJ/AMP6.0
11 Semestral 
Research MethodologiesIJ6.0
11 Semestral 
Portuguese Expression TechniquesMLL6.0
11 Semestral 
Communication TheoriesIJ6.0
12 Semestral 
Journalistic GenresIJ6.0
12 Semestral 
Laboratory IIIJ/AMP6.0
12 Semestral 
Sound and Image ProductionAMP6.0
12 Semestral 
12 Semestral 
Media SociologyIJ6.0
21 Semestral 
Deontology of Journalism and CommunicationL6.0
21 Semestral 
Discourse and CommunicationIJ6.0
21 Semestral 
Local JournalismIJ6.0
21 Semestral 
Laboratory IIIIJ/AMP6.0
21 Semestral 
Sound Post-ProductionAMP6.0
22 Semestral 
Press OfficeIJ6.0
22 Semestral 
Digital CommunicationIJ6.0
22 Semestral 
Digital CultureIJ6.0
22 Semestral 
Laboratory IVIJ/AMP6.0
22 Semestral 
Image Post-ProductionAMP6.0
31 Semestral 
Political ScienceSC6.0
31 Semestral 
Graphic Expression and DesignAMP6.0
31 Semestral 
Audiovisual Production and DirectingAMP6.0
31 Semestral 
31 Semestral 
IPB Free CourseAIPB6.0
32 Semestral 
32 Semestral 
32 Semestral 
Digital Media ProjectAMP6.0



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Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB