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Communication and Journalism

Qualification awarded (in original language)
"Licenciatura em Comunicação e Jornalismo". Title of "Licenciado".

Level of qualification
1st Cycle of Studies. EQF level 6. ISCED 2011 level 6.

Admission requirements
Students may apply to the 1st cycle of studies through the general regime, through special conditions and through special competitions, as stated in the description of the Portuguese Higher Education System, provided by NARIC (http://www.dges.mctes.pt/DGES/pt/Reconhecimento/NARICENIC/) and presented in section 8 of the Diploma Supplement. Students may apply, through the general regime, if they obtain a minimum classification of 95 points (on a scale of 0 to 200) in one of following national entrance examinations: Geography(09) or History(11) or Portuguese(18).

Recognition of prior learning
Following the implementation of the Bologna Process and the consequent legislation regarding the mobility of students among degrees and higher education institutions, prior learning must be recognized and credited. The prior learning concept comprises all the previous learning/training undertaken in other higher education study cycles in national or international institutions (crediting of certified training), as well as previous professional experience and any post-secondary school training or education. As such, the IPB promotes the crediting of the student’s prior learning when arriving at the institution.
Aiming at a quick and full integration of the student in his/her new education programme, the recognition procedures must be submitted when enrolling at the IPB.
For further enquiries on crediting and recognizing prior learning and training at the IPB (calendars, procedures and assessment criteria), please go to the Applicant Portal at www.ipb.pt/portaldocandidato.

Qualification requirements and regulations
6 Semesters (3 years). 20 Weeks of study, per semester, full-time (40 per year). 40 total Hours per week. 810 total Hours per semester (1620 per year). 180 ECTS Credits (30 per semester); 1 credit corresponds to 27 hours. It includes a final project comprising 18 credits.


Profile of the programme
The profile of the programme comprises the development of the technical-scientific knowledge and professional skills in the study areas of "Audiovisual and Media Production" and "Journalism and news" "Audiovisuals and Media Production" and "Journalism and Reporting"

Key learning outcomes
The degree of "licenciado" (bachelor) in Comunicação e Jornalismo (Communication and Journalism) is awarded to students who demonstrate the ability to:
a) to develop and deepen the knowledge acquired;
b) apply the acquired knowledge, in order to show a professional approach to the work developed;
c) solve problems and build and substantiate their own arguments;
d) to collect, select and interpret the relevant information, which will enable us to base the recommended solutions and the judgments issued, including in the analysis the relevant social, scientific and ethical aspects;
e) to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to specialists and non-specialists;
(f) to develop skills enabling lifelong learning with a high degree of autonomy.

In order to complete the qualification, the student will have to obtain approval to all the compulsory curricular units of the study plan.

Occupational profiles of graduates
This degree belongs to the education and training area of Communication and Multimedia. Graduates are qualified to develop a professional activity within the profile of the programme.

Access to further studies
The degree of "licenciado" allows to proceed to post-graduate studies, according to the diagram of the Portuguese Higher Education System, provided by NARIC (http://www.dges.mctes.pt/DGES/pt/Reconhecimento/NARICENIC/) and presented in section 8 of the Diploma Supplement.

Graduation requirements
6 Semesters (3 years). 20 Weeks of study, per semester, full-time (40 per year). 40 total Hours per week. 810 total Hours per semester (1620 per year). 180 ECTS Credits (30 per semester); 1 credit corresponds to 27 hours. It includes a final project comprising 18 credits.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Examination and assessment are regulated by the IPB general regulation, available in www.ipb.pt/sa, and by the School pedagogical regulation, available in www.esact.ipb.pt.
Consult this Guide under the option “The ECTS at the IPB” for information on the grading and qualification system.

Mode of study

Programme director
Tiago Jorge Alves Fernandes (
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Scientific areas of the study plan
Scientific AreaAcronymECTS Credits
Audiovisual and Media ProductionAMP66.00.0
Business SciencesBS6.00.0
Foreign Languages and LiteraturesFLL6.00.0
Journalism and ReportingJR48.00.0
Marketing and AdvertisingMktA12.00.0
Mother Language and LiteratureMLL6.00.0
Political SciencePS6.00.0
Sociology Soc12.00.0

Course structure
YearSemTypeCodeCourse UnitScientific
11 Semestral 
Writing TechniquesMLL6.0
11 Semestral 
Contemporary HistoryHist6.0
11 Semestral 
11 Semestral 
Research MethodologiesBS6.0
11 Semestral 
12 Semestral 
Press WorkshopJR6.0
12 Semestral 
Portuguese CultureSoc6.0
12 Semestral 
Design and Visual CommunicationAMP6.0
12 Semestral 
Media TechnologiesAMP6.0
12 Semestral 
Communication TheoriesJR6.0
21 Semestral 
Audiovisual CommunicationAMP6.0
21 Semestral 
Web DesignAMP6.0
21 Semestral 
Media HistoryJR6.0
21 Semestral 
Narrative Models and ScreenwritingJR6.0
21 Semestral 
Media SociologySoc6.0
22 Semestral 
Television WorkshopAMP6.0
22 Semestral 
22 Semestral 
Companies and CommunicationJR6.0
22 Semestral 
22 Semestral 
Public Relations and Comunication OfficeMktA6.0
31 Semestral 
Radio WorkshopJR6.0
31 Semestral 
Political Science and International RelationsPS6.0
31 Semestral 
Digital Communication and Social NetworksJR6.0
31 Semestral 
31 Semestral 
Marketing and Business StrategyMktA6.0
32 Semestral 
Communication Law and DeontologyLaw6.0
32 Semestral 
32 Semestral 


Additional documents


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Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB