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Zootechnical Engineering

Qualification awarded (in original language)
"Licenciatura em Engenharia Zootécnica". Title of "Licenciado".

Level of qualification
1st Cycle of Studies. EQF level 6. ISCED 2011 level 6.

Admission requirements
Students may apply to the 1st cycle of studies through the general regime, through special conditions and through special competitions, as stated in the description of the Portuguese Higher Education System, provided by NARIC (http://www.dges.mctes.pt/DGES/pt/Reconhecimento/NARICENIC/) and presented in section 8 of the Diploma Supplement. Students may apply, through the general regime, if they obtain a minimum classification of 95 points (on a scale of 0 to 200) in the following national entrance examinations: Physics and Chemistry (07) and Mathematics (16) or Biology and Geology (02) and Mathematics (16) .

Recognition of prior learning
Following the implementation of the Bologna Process and the consequent legislation regarding the mobility of students among degrees and higher education institutions, prior learning must be recognized and credited. The prior learning concept comprises all the previous learning/training undertaken in other higher education study cycles in national or international institutions (crediting of certified training), as well as previous professional experience and any post-secondary school training or education. As such, the IPB promotes the crediting of the student’s prior learning when arriving at the institution.
Aiming at a quick and full integration of the student in his/her new education programme, the recognition procedures must be submitted when enrolling at the IPB.
For further enquiries on crediting and recognizing prior learning and training at the IPB (calendars, procedures and assessment criteria), please go to the Applicant Portal at www.ipb.pt/portaldocandidato.

Qualification requirements and regulations
6 Semesters (3 years). 20 Weeks of study, per semester, full-time (40 per year). 40 total Hours per week. 810 total Hours per semester (1620 per year). 180 ECTS Credits (30 per semester); 1 credit corresponds to 27 hours.
The holders of this qualification are admitted in ANET – National Association of Technical Engineers. Professional titles are awarded by this institution, according to its internal rules.
The programme is included in the FEANI INDEX - European Federation of National Engineering Associations.

Profile of the programme
The profile of the programme comprises the development of the technical-scientific knowledge and professional skills in the study areas of Zootechnic Engineering: Animal and Agricultural Productions, Biology and Biochemistry, Veterinary Sciences. Zootechnic Engineering: Animal and Agricultural Productions, Biology and Biochemistry, Veterinary Sciences.

Key learning outcomes
The degree of "licenciado" (bachelor) in Zootechnic Engineering is awarded to those students that demonstrate, in this field, the ability to:
a) develop and enhance the acquired knowledges;
b) apply acquired knowledge and understanding capacity in order to clearly demonstrate a professional approach to the work carried out;
c) solve problems based upon their own arguments;
d) collate, select, and interpret relevant information which will enable them to consolidate the solutions they present and the opinions they put forward, including the analysis of relevant social, scientific and ethical aspects;
e) communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, both to experts and non-experts;
f) develop competences that will enable them to benefit from lifelong learning with a high degree of autonomy.

To complete the qualification, the student is required to pass all compulsory course units of the study plan.

Occupational profiles of graduates
The degree of "licenciado" (bachelor) in Zootechnical Engineering belongs to the education and training area of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources. Graduates are qualified to develop a professional activity within the profile of the programme.

Access to further studies
The degree of "licenciado" allows to proceed to post-graduate studies, according to the diagram of the Portuguese Higher Education System, provided by NARIC (http://www.dges.mctes.pt/DGES/pt/Reconhecimento/NARICENIC/) and presented in section 8 of the Diploma Supplement.

Graduation requirements
One of the following sets:
(02) Biology and Geology / (16)Mathematics
(07) Physics and Chemistry / (16) Mathematics

Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Examination and assessment are regulated by the IPB general regulation, available in www.ipb.pt/sa, and by the School pedagogical regulation, available in www.esa.ipb.pt.
Consult this Guide under the option “The ECTS at the IPB” for information on the grading and qualification system.

Mode of study

Programme director
Marieta Amelia Martins Carvalho (
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Scientific areas of the study plan
Scientific AreaAcronymECTS Credits
Agriculture and Animal ProductionAAP72.00.0
Biology and BiochemistryBIB24.00.0
Earth SciencesEAS6.00.0
Engineering and RelatedEAR6.00.0
Food IndustriesFOI6.00.0
Mathematics and StatisticsMAE12.00.0
Physics SciencesPHS12.00.0
Social Sciencesand EntrepreneurshipSSE6.00.0
Veterinary SciencesVES18.00.0

Course structure
YearSemTypeCodeCourse UnitScientific
11 Semestral 
11 Semestral 
11 Semestral 
11 Semestral 
11 Semestral 
12 Semestral 
12 Semestral 
12 Semestral 
General AgricultureAAP6.0
12 Semestral 
12 Semestral 
21 Semestral 
Comparative Anatomy and MorphologyVES6.0
21 Semestral 
21 Semestral 
Ethology and Animal WelfareVES6.0
21 Semestral 
Animal PhysiologyAAP6.0
21 Semestral 
Animal Hygiene and HealthVES6.0
22 Semestral 
22 Semestral 
Animal Genetic ImprovementAAP6.0
22 Semestral 
Animal Food Science and NutritionAAP6.0
22 Semestral 
Animal Reproduction and LactationAAP6.0
22 Semestral 
Free Unit IO6.0
31 Semestral 
Poultry ScienceAAP6.0
31 Semestral 
Food Technology BasesFOI6.0
31 Semestral 
Cattle ScienceAAP6.0
31 Semestral 
Construction Design and ProjectEAR6.0
31 Semestral 
Free Unit IIO6.0
32 Semestral 
32 Semestral 
Rabbit ScienceAAP6.0
32 Semestral 
Entreprises Organization and ManagementSSE6.0
32 Semestral 
Small Ruminants ScienceAAP6.0
32 Semestral 
Swine ScienceAAP6.0


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Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB