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This IP is directed to final year BSc students as well as MSc and PhD students from Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Food Science, Food Processing, Mathematical Modelling and others who aim to acquire the theoretical and technical skills that will make them major assets in any working team concerned with making food safer in the near future.

The IP is directed to students from the 6 partner institutions, which are entitled with full financial support (including travel and accommodation costs).

Students must apply to the IP by sending, by e-mail to the IP coordinator, the proper Application Form accompanied by a Europass CV and a motivational letter.

For extra information, the applicant should contact the IP coordinator, the International Relations Office or the Professor at Home institution.

Candidate selection will be performed according to:
  1. Adequacy of the student’s vocational area to the project;
  2. Degree of education;
  3. A motivational letter to participate in the IP.

Application deadline:
IP Coordinator
Paula Cristina Azevedo Rodrigues
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Mountain Research Center (CIMO) - School of Agriculture (ESA)
Campus de Santa Apolónia
5300-253 Bragança - Portugal
Phone: +351 273 303 232
Fax: +351 273 303 382
Key Dates
IP Date:
09/06/2014 to 20/06/2014
Arrival to Bragança:
Departure from Bragança:


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Compreendo e aceito.
Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 / (+351) 273 331 570 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB