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Humanidades, Secretariado e Línguas

Draw and Say Your Story

Descrição: This secondary school activity combines fun illustration with theory lessons to teach creative writing and storytelling. students will draw their short story plots, then present them in english, boosting speaking skills, imagination, and self-confedence.

concerning the materials that we need: Large sheet of papers (consstruction papers is prefered)/ Markores, Crayons, paints, or any other art suplies/ Scissors/ Glue and stickers

Coordenador do estágio: Prf. Luís Castanheira

Outros investigadores: a PhD student Samir Zedam

Número de vagas: 4.

Candidatos devem frequentar os anos de escolaridade: 10º/11º/12º.

Área vocacional: Humanity, Secretariat and Languages

Local de estágio: Escola Superior de Educaçao de Bragança

Draw and Say Your Story 


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Campus de Santa Apolónia - 5300-253 BRAGANÇA * Tel: (+351) 273 303 200 - Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 * Suporte.IPB